Instantly reconcile data for any app with your system of record

Stitchflow provides an always up-to-date view of every app across your entire IT environment for any need - application audits, license renewals and security or compliance reviews.

IT environments with the most nuanced access policies chose Stitchflow

Teams who reduced access and license gaps by 90%

Okta logo
Google logo
Jamf logo

IT environments are complex
and fragmented

IT loses one day per week looking up data that already exists, but just isn’t easily accessible. Disjointed tools make it difficult to pinpoint and remediate the source of issues, leading to...

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User access risks

Delayed account provisioning and revocation, incomplete permissions and external collaboration challenges.

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SaaS application gaps

Unused or underutilized licenses, inactive user accounts, unsanctioned applications and no SaaS system of record.

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Compliance deficiencies

Vulnerable app versions, outdated encryption, unsupervised devices, disabled MFA and missing enrollment profiles.

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Resource drift

Incorrect group membership, organizational unit changes, outdated software or hardware and dormant channels.

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Spreadsheet gymnastics

Multiple tools and CSVs, inconsistent datasets, VLOOKUPs, pivot tables to query data and manual error checking.

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Cumbersome remediation

Incompatible systems, stale data, manual data entry, lack of unified data structures across tools.

How Stitchflow works

  • Maps every single access policy and exception with every variable (e.g., employee, contractor, role, non-SCIM app) that underpins your IT environment.

  • AI-powered continuous access reviews of every application pinpointing the exact accounts that need attention. Nothing extra. Nothing missed.

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Empty channels
Devices with disabled FileVault
Missing users from groups
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Get precise spreadsheet-like reports

  • License Management and Renewals

  • Offboarding Completeness

  • Compliance and Security Reviews

No more manual effort in auditing apps

  • Stitchflow stitches all the data from different sources

  • Integrates even non-API or non-SCIM apps unique to your environment

  • IT teams only require less than an hour each month

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Empty channels
Devices with disabled FileVault
Missing users from groups
Coming Soon
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Tool coverage

Sttichflow covers all your systems. Instantly connect to 50+ cloud-native integrations or easily import CSV files from your legacy and on-prem apps without the admin overhead.

Stitchflow goes the extra mile vs. traditional tools

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Visibility to every single unique variable

  • Filter data as per organizational nuances

  • Reconcile data across systems

  • Precise visibility only to accounts that need attention

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Catches all access misses

  • Ex-employees with access to tools

  • Users in systems who are not in your IDP

  • Reconciling contractors vs. full time employees

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No hidden license waste

  • Ex-employees and contractors with active licenses

  • Underutilized licenses

Clear ROI shared in a monthly report

How Stitchflow is different

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Accounts for your access policies

Only solution that finds, prioritizes and fixes critical user access and license gaps accounting for your unique organizational nuances.

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Maps your  IT environment comprehensively 

Unlike traditional automation, Stitchflow does not require any additional manual work to account for exceptions or non-SCIM apps.

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Adapts to any changes

AI powered platform adapts automatically to any changes like rapid organizational growth, reorganizations, M&A and new product lines.

IT environments are complex
and fragmented

IT loses one day per week looking up data that already exists, but just isn’t easily accessible.
Disjointed tools make it difficult to pinpoint and remediate the source of issues, leading to...

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User access risks

Delayed account provisioning and revocation, incomplete permissions and external collaboration challenges.

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SaaS application gaps

Unused or underutilized licenses, inactive user accounts, unsanctioned applications and no SaaS system of record.

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Compliance deficiencies

Vulnerable app versions, outdated encryption, unsupervised devices, disabled MFA and missing enrollment profiles.

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Resource drift

Incorrect group membership, organizational unit changes, outdated software or hardware and dormant channels.

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Spreadsheet gymnastics

Multiple tools and CSVs, inconsistent datasets, VLOOKUPs, pivot tables to query data and manual error checking.

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Cumbersome remediation

Incompatible systems, stale data, manual data entry, lack of unified data structures across tools.

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